When your golden years seem to lose their luster and the strength to get out of your chair is nearly impossible to muster, you may begin looking into alternatives to keep you in your house and your comfort zone longer. However, your monthly checks don’t seem to expand with inflation and you aren’t sure what you will be able to afford. The concern is real, and knowing the average costs of elder care in Colorado will help guide the decisions you probably need to make in the near future.
According to information managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the anticipated cost of long-term care in 2017 on a monthly basis is as follows:
- A nursing home with a semiprivate room is about $7,902.
- A nursing home with a private room is about $8,909.
- For a private room with a single bed in an assisted living, you can expect to pay just less than $4,000 monthly.
- A daycare facility for adults is going to cost you approximately $1,633.
- If you hire a home health aid in order to stay in your home, you can expect to have to pay around $4,456.
- For homemaker services, the cost is approximated at $4,369.
While the costs of long-term care seem daunting to many, there are ways to plan ahead or to get help paying for the kind of care you need.
By seeking out a Colorado elder care attorney, you are getting a head start on addressing issues that will matter one day. Your attorney can answer questions and get you started in the right direction toward the kind of care that may be necessary as you age.