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Is it time for your loved one to receive nursing home care?

On Behalf of | Feb 27, 2017 | Care Planning

If you are the caregiver for a cherished parent or loved one, you likely have a great deal of incentive to help him or  her  continue to live at home. However, at some point, you may need to consider if the time has come to look into nursing home care.

The fact is, taking care of an elderly person is very demanding. And often, it is simply safer and in the person’s best interests to receive professional attention. But how do you know if the time is right to  look into nursing home care? Well, here are a few possible clues:

  • Caring for your loved one is causing you health and/or relationship problems.
  • Your family or friends have expressed concern for your well-being and recommended looking into a nursing home.
  • You have injured yourself while trying to move or lift your loved one.
  • You are having difficulty keeping up with your other obligations.
  • Your loved one is suffering from Alzheimer’s, and his or her symptoms are manifesting themselves in angry or even violent  behavior.

There are many other possible signals that your loved one is ready for nursing home care. But when considering the possibility of elder care, you should think about what is best for both your loved one and yourself. After all, if you get physically or emotionally overwhelmed by the situation, your ability to provide care could become compromised.

But moving your loved one into a nursing home can be a challenge in many ways, including financially. As such, you may want to  discuss your options  with an elder care attorney. A law firm that takes a holistic approach to serving clients could advise you on the many important aspects of nursing home care and can help formulate a plan tailored to provide your loved one with the best arrangement possible.
